Sl.No | Name Of Work | Estimated Cost (Rs. in Lakhs) | NIT No. | Sale Period From | Sale Period To | Detailed NIT |
1 | Maintenance contract for electrical installations at V.S.Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094. | 66.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/ESG/24-25/NIT-43, dt.29.01.2025. | 2025-02-03 11:00:00 | 2025-02-18 15:00:00 |
NIT 43 |
2 | Cutting of wild grass in the areas around various buildings at Western side of Ansuhaktinagar, Mumbai | 19.79 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/24-25/NIT/94 dt.28.01.2025 | 2025-01-28 15:00:00 | 2025-02-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 94 |
3 | Maintenance of transplanted and new planted trees at various locations of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 39.88 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/24-25/NIT/93 dt.28.01.2025 | 2025-01-28 15:00:00 | 2025-02-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 93 |
4 | Miscellaneous Civil, PH, Internal painting and Electrical work in vacant flats under TTM-II in Ansuhaktianagar, Mumbai | 171.13 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/24-25/NIT/92 dt.28.01.2025 | 2025-01-28 15:00:00 | 2025-02-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 92 |
5 | Providing and laying kotah stone slabs in treads and all landings in staircase of various type-III-C buildings under TTM-I unit at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 58.36 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/24-25/NIT/91 dt.28.01.2025 | 2025-01-28 15:00:00 | 2025-02-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 91 |
6 | Umbrella contract for housekeeping works in Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan from L to 8th floor under V.S. Bhavan maintenance unit | 136.81 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/24-25/NIT/89 dt.28.01.2025 | 2025-01-28 15:00:00 | 2025-02-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 89 |
7 | Demolition of 15 numbers of existing dilapidated (G+4) storey RCC framed structure residential buildings including other associated structures of Tata Memorial Centre (TMC) staff quarters, Navghar at Mulund, Mumbai. | 188.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/TMC-Demo./24- 25/NIT/35 dtd. 28.01.2025 | 2025-01-29 11:00:00 | 2025-02-21 17:00:00 |
NIT 35 |
8 | Biennial contract for Comprehensive maintenance of shredder machines for wet waste, dry waste, balor machines and waste handling conveyor system at Waste Processing Centres, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 11.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Shredder-AMC/NIT/95/24-25 dated 23.01.2025 | 2025-01-24 12:00:00 | 2025-02-18 17:00:00 |
NIT 95 |
9 | Epoxy coating and other allied works at Multilevel car parking at VS Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 49.29 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/24-25/NIT/90 dt.21.01.2025 | 2025-01-21 15:00:00 | 2025-02-12 15:00:00 |
NIT 90 |
10 | Repairing & maintenance oflightning protection system of High rise residential buildings includingV.S.Bhavan under DCSEM in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 14.60 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/ESG/24-25/NIT-42, Dt.10.01.2025. | 2025-01-14 12:00:00 | 2025-02-03 15:00:00 |
NIT 42 |
Sl.No | Name Of Work | Estimated Cost (Rs. in Lakhs) | NIT No. | Sale Period From | Sale Period To | Detailed NIT |
1 | Replacement of DG set at Zerlina building, Little Gibbs Road, Malbar hill, Mumbai-400006 & providing DG set and associated works at OYC, Anushakti bhavan, Mumbai-400001. | 101.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/23-24/NIT-15, Dt.08.06.2023. | 2023-06-12 11:00:00 | 2023-06-26 15:00:00 |
NIT 15 |
2 | Rewiring of balance 03 nos of Type II-B flats at New Manadala(East side) in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094. | 1.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/23-24/NIT-14, dt.06.06.2023. | 2023-06-08 11:00:00 | 2023-06-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 14 |
3 | Annual maintenance work pertaining to electrical complaints of residential and nonresidential flats of DAE Colony at Chembur, Ghatkopar , TMC qtrs at Mulund and CHSS dispensaries at Chembur, Ghatkopar, Dombivali, Andheri, Vashi and Kharghar under Chembur Maintenance Unit. | 33.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/ESD/23-24/NIT-12,Dt.06.06.2023. | 2023-06-08 11:00:00 | 2023-06-26 16:00:00 |
NIT 12 |
4 | Urgent structural repairs of Raghmala flats and other locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 29.26 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/25 dt. 20.06.2023 | 2023-06-13 15:00:00 | 2023-06-30 15:00:00 |
NIT 25 |
5 | Renovation of Houses Internal finishes at Eastern zone of Anushakti Nagar, (Phase-III, Package-X), Mumbai. | 571.97 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/18 dt.13.06.2023 | 2023-06-13 15:00:00 | 2023-06-30 15:00:00 |
NIT 18 |
6 | Cockroach treatment at inspection chambers, manhole chambers, gully trap, shaft around residential and non-residential buildings at Anushaktinagar and Mandala Township, Mumbai. | 5.20 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/22 dt. 08.06.2023. | 2023-06-08 15:00:00 | 2023-06-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 22 |
7 | Levelling dressing and disposal of surplus waste materials of surrounding areas of the residential and non-residential buildings/ roads/ footpath and other places in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 58.33 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/21 dt. 08.06.2023. | 2023-06-08 15:00:00 | 2023-06-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 21 |
8 | Biennial contract for cutting, removal of dead/fallen tree and branches from Anushaktinagar and Mandala in Mumbai. | 1.09 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/20 dt.08.06.2023. | 2023-06-08 15:00:00 | 2023-06-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 20 |
9 | Cutting of grass in the areas around various buildings at Eastern side of Anushaktinagar and Mandala Township, Mumbai. | 16.36 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/19 dt. 08.06.2023. | 2023-06-08 15:00:00 | 2023-06-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 19 |
10 | Design, Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and post commissioning operation & comprehensive maintenance (for five years) of Grid Connected Roof Top Solar Photovoltaic System of 360 kWp (approx.) capacity at various buildings in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-94. | 325.60 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/Solar/NIT-13/23-24, Dt.06.06.2023. | 2023-06-08 11:00:00 | 2023-06-08 15:00:00 |
NIT 13 |
11 | Maintenance contract for electrical installationsat V.S.Bhavan, under DCS&EM, Anushaktinagar,Mumbai-400094. | 48.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/23-24/NIT-11,Dt.24.05.2023. | 2023-05-30 11:00:00 | 2023-06-19 15:00:00 |
NIT 11 |
12 | Internal Painting of vacant/ Occupied flats at DAE Quarters at various locations in Mumbai City under City Maintenance Unit, Mumbai | 56.56 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/17 dt 26.05.2023 | 2023-05-26 15:00:00 | 2023-05-30 15:00:00 |
NIT 17 |
13 | Internal painting of flats of various categories in TTM-II Unit and other locations of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 119.02 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/13 dt.26.05.2023 | 2023-05-26 15:00:00 | 2023-05-30 15:00:00 |
NIT 13 |
14 | Miscellaneous maintenance and repaiir works of Civil, PH and garden of residentail and non- residential DAE colonies at Chembur and Ghatkoper, Mumbai. | 40.28 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/12 dt.26.05.2023 | 2023-05-26 15:00:00 | 2023-05-30 15:00:00 |
NIT 12 |
15 | Internal painting of flats of various categories in TTM-I & WS unit and other locations of Anushatinagar, Mumbai. | 81.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/08 dt.26.05.2023 | 2023-05-26 15:00:00 | 2023-05-30 15:00:00 |
NIT 08 |
16 | Carrying out works for Estimation, Tendering and other Misc. jobs etc. in CQD, Architecture, Accounts & Administration for DCSEM. | 70.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/MP/23-24/NIT/05 dtd. 23.05.2023. | 2023-05-25 11:00:00 | 2023-06-14 17:00:00 |
NIT 05 |
17 | Providing electrical works for remote operation of fire fighting pumps and contingent to statutory clearances & compliances to observations of statutory authority etc. for D1, D2 and AERB -C buildings at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai – 400094. | 46.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/RO-FFP/NIT-09/23-24, Dt.23.05.2023. | 2023-05-24 11:00:00 | 2023-06-06 15:00:00 |
NIT 09 |
18 | Maintenance of ground areas at Zerlina, Purnima, Ananad Bhavan, Kenilworth and Atomica buildings under LGR Maintenance unit, Mumbai. | 29.59 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/10 dt. 16.05.2023. | 2023-05-16 15:00:00 | 2023-05-29 15:00:00 |
NIT 10 |
19 | Annual maintenance and repairs of CHSS dispensaries at Chembur, Ghatkopar, Dombivili, Andheri, Vashi, Kharghar including Civil and PH works under Chembur maintenance unit, Mumbai. | 30.48 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/11 dt. 16.05.2023. | 2023-05-16 15:00:00 | 2023-05-29 15:00:00 |
NIT 11 |
20 | Construction of New Commercial Centre (G+2 Storey) and Special school (Ground floor), near Brindavan building including Civil, PHE and Electrical works at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai - 400 094. | 3045 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/ NCC & SS/23-24/NIT/04 dtd.12.05.2023. | 2023-05-12 11:00:00 | 2023-06-05 17:00:00 |
NIT 04 |
21 | Replacement of old air conditioners in BARC CHSS dispensaries at various locations in city area of Mumbai. | 41.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Disp-AC-Replace/NIT/ 08 / 23-24 dated 26.04.2023. | 2023-04-27 11:30:00 | 2023-05-17 17:00:00 |
NIT 08 |
22 | Renovation and Biennial Comprehensive Maintenance for the CCTV system installed at various locations in city residency of DCSEM, Mumbai. | 41.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/CCTV-City-AMC/NIT/07/23-24 dated 26.04.2023. | 2023-04-27 11:30:00 | 2023-05-17 17:00:00 |
NIT 07 |
23 | Providing electrical works in VS Bhavan Parking Extension works in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-94. | 61.75 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/MLCP-Extn/23-24/NIT-03, Dt.26.04.2023. | 2023-04-27 11:00:00 | 2023-05-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 03 |
24 | Renovation of internal electrical installations in residential flats of type II-B, IIIC, IV-D buildings Chembur DAE quarters, Mumbai. | 221.45 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/NIT-06/23-24, Dt.25.04.2023. | 2023-04-26 11:00:00 | 2023-05-22 15:00:00 |
NIT 06 |
25 | Maintenance contract for electrical installations & domestic water supply pumps, fire fighting pumps, fire hydrant system & fire alarm system at Dhruva guest houses at New Delhi. | 16.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/23-24/NIT-05 dt.11.04.2023. | 2023-04-19 11:00:00 | 2023-05-01 15:00:00 |
NIT 05 |
26 | Providing structural repairing and painting including extrenal development of surrounding area of Vaitarna and Periyar building at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 74.84 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/23-24/NIT/01 dt.17.04.2023. | 2023-04-17 03:00:00 | 2023-04-26 15:00:00 |
NIT01 |
27 | Annual maintenance contract for regular cleaning and maintenance of water of pond at Sangam Jal Vayu Vihar located near junior college at Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai. | 14.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Pond-Cleaning/NIT/04/23-24 dated 11.04.2023 | 2023-04-12 11:30:00 | 2023-05-02 17:00:00 |
NIT 04 |
28 | Biennial maintenance contract for Optical Fibre Cable network under DCSEM at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 36.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/OFC-AMC/NIT/03/23-24 dated 11.04.2023. | 2023-04-12 11:30:00 | 2023-05-02 17:00:00 |
NIT 03 |
29 | Renovation and upgradation of local area network and voice communication cabling infrastructure at OYC and Anushakti Bhavan, Mumbai. | 70.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/OYC-LAN-Tel/NIT/02/23-24 dated 11.04.2023. | 2023-04-12 11:30:00 | 2023-05-02 17:00:00 |
NIT 02 |
30 | Providing ATS & associated electrical works for DCSEM Data Centre at VS Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 14.25 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/ATS/23-24/NIT-01, Dt.11.04.2023. | 2023-04-12 11:00:00 | 2023-04-25 15:00:00 |
NIT 01 |
31 | Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC/Mode-I) work for Multi Level Car Parking (MLCP) having (G+4) structure using PreEngineered Building (PEB) at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094. | 8500.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/EOI/MLCP-BARC/22- 23/NIT/35 dt.29.03.2023 | 2023-04-21 11:00:00 | 2023-05-08 17:00:00 |
EOI Corrigendum no.1 |
32 | Development of gardens by levelling, dressing, plantation of trees and shrubs at various locations of Anushaktinagar and TMC quarter, Payalipada, Mumbai. | 71.64 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/80 dt. 24.03.2023. | 2023-03-24 15:00:00 | 2023-04-11 15:00:00 |
NIT 80 |
33 | Preventive measures to arrest falling of trees by pruning of dangerous and overhanging branches of trees etc. at various locations of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 41.22 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/79 dt. 24.03.2023. | 2023-03-24 15:00:00 | 2023-04-11 15:00:00 |
NIT 79 |
34 | Comprehensive Biennial Maintenance Contract for Automated Pump Houses and centralized SCADA system at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 189.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Scada-Pump/NIT/52/22-23 dated 13.03.2023. | 2023-03-14 01:00:00 | 2023-04-12 17:00:00 |
NIT 52 Corrigendum no.1 |
35 | Maintaining of Cultural Center at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 9.01 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/83 dt.13.03.2023 | 2023-03-13 15:30:00 | 2023-03-27 15:00:00 |
NIT 83 |
36 | Carrying out Construction Supervision works for various Civil works and upgradation of residential buildings at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 107.23 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/91 dt. 01.03.2023 | 2023-03-01 15:30:00 | 2023-03-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 91 |
37 | Carrying out Construction Supervision works for various Civil works and maintenance works at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 173.91 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/81 dt. 01.03.2023 | 2023-03-01 15:30:00 | 2023-03-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 81 |
38 | Premonsoon protection works viz. cleaning of storm water drains, roof terraces at DAE colony Chembur, Ghatkopar and CHSS Dispensaries at Chembur, Ghatkopar, Andheri, Dombivali, Vashi and Kharghar under maintenance unit for the year 2023- 24 | 2.63 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/102 dt. 24.02.2023 | 2023-02-24 15:30:00 | 2023-03-14 15:00:00 |
NIT 102 |
39 | Maintenance of electrical installations at AECS, AEJC, AEES office, Aster studio buildings in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 71.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/22-23/NIT-50 dt.15.02.2023. | 2023-02-16 11:00:00 | 2023-02-27 15:00:00 |
NIT 50 |
40 | Annual contract for day to day maintenance of electrical distribution systems at Anushaktinagar, New & Old Mandala, TMC/TIFR & Payalipada colonies, Mumbai. | 73.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/22-23/NIT- 49 dt.13.02.2023. | 2023-02-14 11:00:00 | 2023-02-27 15:00:00 |
NIT 49 |
41 | Carrying out Works for obtaining various clearances from statutory Authorities for projects at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai400094. | 50.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/Statutory Clearances/NIT/33 dt.01.02.2023 | 2023-02-03 11:00:00 | 2023-02-28 17:00:00 |
NIT 33 |
42 | Annual cleaning of storm water drain, R.R. Masonry/ Stone pitched storm water drains and hume pipes at Western side of Anushaktinaga, Mumbai. | 15.13 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/99 dt.09.02.2023 | 2023-02-09 15:30:00 | 2023-03-01 15:00:00 |
NIT 99 |
43 | Annual cleaning of storm water drain, R.R. Masonry/ Stone pitched storm water drains and hume pipes at Eastern side of Anushaktinagar and Mandala Township, Mumbai. | 17.45 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/98 dt.09.02.2023 | 2023-02-09 15:30:00 | 2023-03-01 15:00:00 |
NIT 98 |
44 | Biennial comprehensive, preventive andbreakdown maintenance of electrical installations at Niyamak Bhavan A & B,Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 53.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS /22-23/NIT- 48dt.02.02.2023. | 2023-02-20 15:00:00 | 2023-02-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 48 |
45 | Geotechnical Investigation & Soil Exploration work for New Commercial Centres near Kamet & Brindawan building and New Creche Facility near Badrinath building at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-94. | 12.90 | NIT No: - DCSEM/ CQD/ QSA/ Geotech Exploration/ 22-23/ NIT/32 dtd.30.01.2023 | 2023-02-03 11:00:00 | 2023-02-28 17:00:00 |
NIT 32 |
46 | Annual maintenance contract for operation and maintenance of Biogas plant behind Tapti building at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 53.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Biogas-AMC/NIT/47/22-23 dated 30.01.2023. | 2023-01-31 13:00:00 | 2023-02-15 17:00:00 |
NIT 47 |
47 | Comprehensive maintenance of VRV type airconditioning system installed at Anushakti Bhavan and split type Air conditioners installed at Anushakti Bhavan, Zerlina, Purnima Gym and Kenilworth buildings, Mumbai. | 34.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/City-VRV-AMC/NIT/46/22-23 dated 30.01.2023. | 2023-01-31 13:00:00 | 2023-02-15 17:00:00 |
NIT 46 |
48 | Annual operation Maintenance contract for domestic pump sets and valves at various water pump houses at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 51.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/WS-AMC/NIT/45/22-23 dated 30.01.2023. | 2023-01-31 13:00:00 | 2023-02-15 17:00:00 |
NIT 45 |
49 | Annual contract for Operation, Comprehensive maintenance and associated works of 1.5 MLD (0.75 MLD x 2 Nos) MBBR based Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Western Sector, 0.5 MLD MBBR based Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) near Brindavan Building and 103.5 KLD (3Nos X 34.5 KLD) RBC technology based sewage Treatment plant (STP) near Akashganga Building in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 85.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/STP-AMC-WS-Br-Ak/NIT/44/ 22-23 dated 30.01.2023. | 2023-01-31 13:00:00 | 2023-02-15 17:00:00 |
NIT 44 |
50 | Preventive maintenance works for hill slope protection at 40 lakhs Litre HLGR tanks near Junior College, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 5.74 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/97 dt. 27.01.2023 | 2023-01-27 15:00:00 | 2023-02-15 15:00:00 |
NIT 97 |
51 | Contract maintenance of street lighting, outdoor sport lighting, area lighting and staircase lighting installations at residential buildings under DCSEM in Anushaktinagar, New Mandala, Old Mandala, TMC, TIFR, Payalipada, Chembur, Ghatkopar and Mulund colonies, Mumbai. | 76.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/AMC/NIT-43/22-23, Dt.24.01.2023. | 2023-01-25 11:00:00 | 2023-02-08 15:00:00 |
NIT 43 |
52 | Garden water supply and Construction water supply pipeline maintenance and related miscellaneous jobs for attending breakdown maintenance/modification jobs at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 26.15 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/95 dt. 19.01.2023. | 2023-01-19 15:30:00 | 2023-02-10 15:00:00 |
NIT 95 |
53 | Supply, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of 500 kVA Silent DG set along with AMF Panel and associated works for VECC Rajarhat site, Kolkata. | 125.80 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/UGC DAE/DG Set/NIT-31/ 22-23, Dt.13.01.2023 | 2023-01-14 11:00:00 | 2023-01-30 15:00:00 |
NIT 31 |
54 | Maintenance contract for DG sets under DCS&EM at Anushaktinagar & city areas, Mumbai. | 20.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/T-42/22-23/NIT-42 dt.05.01.2023. | 2023-01-09 11:00:00 | 2023-01-23 15:00:00 |
NIT 42 |
55 | Annual Maintenance contract for cleaning of water storage tanks at various locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 70.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Attend-BD-WS/NIT/40/22-23 dated 02.01.2023. | 2023-01-03 11:30:00 | 2023-01-23 17:00:00 |
NIT 40 |
56 | Biennial maintenance contract for Optical Fibre Cable network under DCSEM at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 55.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/OFC-AMC/NIT/41/22-23 dated 02.01.2023. | 2023-01-03 11:30:00 | 2023-01-23 17:00:00 |
NIT 41 |
57 | Premonsoon protection works and miscellaneous works at Zerlina, Purnima, Kenilworth, Anand Bhavan, Atomica Mistrynagar and Bandra under LGR maintenance unit, Mumbai. | 4.39 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT dt 30.12.2022 | 2022-12-30 15:00:00 | 2023-01-18 15:00:00 |
NIT 94 |
58 | Fabrication and fixing in position stainless steel benches and removing old RCC benches at various locations in Anushaktinagar and Mandala Township, Mumbai. | 51.72 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/93 dt 30.12.2022 | 2022-12-30 15:30:00 | 2023-01-18 15:00:00 |
NIT 93 |
Sl.No | Name Of Work | Estimated Cost (Rs. in Lakhs) | NIT No. | Sale Period From | Sale Period To | Detailed NIT |
1 | Cleaning of footpath, water tabkes, removing of domestic waste materail at Western side of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 60.04 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/92 dt 22.12.2022 | 2022-12-22 15:30:00 | 2023-01-16 15:00:00 |
NIT 92 |
2 | Pre monsoon protection works viz cleaning roof terraces, Service shaft etc of buildings at Western side of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 10.14 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/86 | 2022-12-22 15:30:00 | 2023-01-16 15:00:00 |
NIT 86 |
3 | Cleaning of footpath, water tables, removing of domestic waste maerial at Eastern side of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 71.01 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/87 dt. 22.12.22 | 2022-12-22 15:00:00 | 2023-01-16 15:00:00 |
NIT 87 |
4 | Cosmetic maintenance of areas andaround the Zerlina, Kenilworth, Purnima,Anand Bhavan, Atomica, Mistry Nagar 2 &3, Bandra B & C buildings under LGRmaintenance unit, Mumbai. | 35.89 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/90 dt.19.12.2022 | 2022-12-19 15:30:00 | 2023-01-06 15:00:00 |
NIT 90 |
5 | Comprehensive maintenance includingreplacement supplying of Open Gym andplay equipments installed at various RIMGYM parks, Madhuban and other locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 14.72 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/89 dt 15.12.2022 | 2022-12-19 15:30:00 | 2023-01-06 15:00:00 |
NIT 89 |
6 | Repairs in internal wall, ceiling andflooring at Bandra B & C, Mistry Nagar 2& 3, Atomica, Anand Bhavan, Kenilworth,Purnima and Zerlina buildings under LGRMaintenance unit, Mumbai. | 33.48 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/82 dt.19.12.2022 | 2022-12-19 15:30:00 | 2023-01-06 15:00:00 |
NIT 82 |
7 | Balance Civil & PH works of 52 flats of Type V-E (near Akashganga building) at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai – 400 094. | 775.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/Balance 52 VE/22-23/NIT/28 dt 08.12.2022 | 2022-12-09 17:00:00 | 2023-01-06 17:00:00 |
NIT 28 |
8 | Construction of Warehouse and Maintenance Office Building in Campus for Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP) including Civil, PH, Electrical, HVAC, Firefighting etc at Jassaur Kheri near Bahadurgarh, Haryana. | 880.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/WH MO-GCNEP/22-23/NIT/29 dt.13.12.2021 | 2022-12-14 17:00:00 | 2023-01-09 17:00:00 |
NIT 29 |
9 | Construction of Pre-school cum CrecheFacility Building in Township for GlobalCentre for Nuclear Energy Partnership(GCNEP) including Civil, PH, Electrical, HVAC,Firefighting etc at Jassaur Kheri nearBahadurgarh, Haryana. | 1180.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/PRE SCH-GCNEP/22-23/NIT/27 dt.24.11.2022. | 2022-11-25 11:00:00 | 2022-12-26 17:00:00 |
NIT 27 |
10 | Carrying out Comprehensive work i.e. Planning,detailed engineering etc. including necessarystatutory approval etc. for Proposed communitycenter, Shopping cum sports complex at Mandala,Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094. | 90.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/Mandala Community Consul/22-23/NIT/26dt.23.11.2022. | 2022-11-24 11:00:00 | 2022-12-28 17:00:00 |
NIT 26 |
11 | Construction of scholar hostel–cum-flatletsand upgradation of main gate Canopy andGuard House including Civil, PH, Electrical,Firefighting works at Institute of Physics (IoP),Bhubaneswar. | 2050.00 | - DCSEM/CQD/QSA/ SH-2 &ECGH/IOP/22-23/NIT/25 dtd.21.11.2022. | 2022-11-22 11:00:00 | 2022-12-26 17:00:00 |
NIT 25 |
12 | Providing FA system and PA systems including electrical works for 312 flats of Type VE and 208 flats of Type IVD at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-94. | 175.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/FA-PA/NIT-24/22-23,Dt.17.11.2022. | 2022-11-18 11:00:00 | 2022-12-05 15:00:00 |
NIT 24 |
13 | Modification of Athletic ground including providing multipurpose utility sports turf and associated works at PTAAF, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 154.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/PTAA-Turf/NIT/23/22-23 dated 10.11.202. | 2022-11-11 11:30:00 | 2022-11-29 17:00:00 |
NIT23 |
14 | Construction of 100 KLD MBBR Sewage Treatment Plant including External sewer line, Storm Water Drain, Electrical, Mechanical, instrumentation and allied Works at IPR campus, Bhat village, Gandhinagar. | 740.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/STP-IPR/22-23/NIT/22 dt. 03.11.2022. | 2022-11-03 11:00:00 | 2022-12-02 17:00:00 |
NIT 22 |
15 | Renovation of Electrical Installations at Atomic Energy central School No.-5, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094. | 86.25 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/T-10/22-23/NIT-32, Dt.01.11.2022. | 2022-11-03 11:00:00 | 2022-11-21 15:00:00 |
NIT 32 |
16 | Minor repair work for play equipments & security baricades at Anushaktinagar &Old Mandala under TTM-IV maintenanceunit, Mumbai. | 5.23 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/76dt.28.10.2022 | 2022-10-28 03:00:00 | 2022-11-16 15:00:00 |
NIT 76 |
17 | Maintenance and development of residential area ground and playfields at Western side of Anushaktinagar and Mandala Township, Mumbai. | 247.91 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/73/22-23/dt.28.10.2022 | 2022-10-28 05:00:00 | 2022-11-16 15:00:00 |
NIT 73 |
18 | Maintenance and development of residential area ground and playfields at Eastern side of Anushaktinagar and Mandala Township, Mumbai. | 256.14 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/NIT/72/22-23/dt 28.10.2022 | 2022-10-28 15:30:00 | 2022-11-16 15:00:00 |
NIT 72 |
19 | Maintenance and development of garden areas at Sangam Jalvayu Vihar and Brindavan Compost area and other areas of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 33.17 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/NIT/71/22-23/dt 2022 | 2022-10-28 15:30:00 | 2022-11-16 15:00:00 |
NIT 71 |
20 | Development of Volleyball Court, Kabaddi Court and Badminton Court facility at Western Sector of Anushaktinagar under TTM-I unit, Mumbai. | 97.19 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/NIT/70/22-23 dt 28.12.2022 | 2022-10-28 15:30:00 | 2022-11-16 15:00:00 |
NIT 70 |
21 | Annual Maintenance contract for cleaning of water storage tanks at various locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 20.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Cleaning-Tank/NIT/31/22-23 dated 26.10.2022. | 2022-10-26 11:30:00 | 2022-11-09 17:00:00 |
NIT 31 |
22 | Maintenance of internal electrical works at various residential buildings situated at Eastern side of Anushakti Nagar & Old Mandala unit under TTM-IV maintenance unit, Mumbai. | 95.40 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/ESD2/TTM4/NIT-78/22-23, Dt.18.10.2022. | 2022-10-27 17:58:00 | 2022-10-27 15:00:00 |
NIT 78 |
23 | Maintenance contract for the removal of chockages, cleaning and repairs of rectangular inspection chambers and circular manhole chambers of sewerage system in Eastern part of Central Avenue road at Anushaktinagar and Western sector, Mumbai. | 12.06 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/64 /22-23/ dt. 20.10.2022. | 2022-10-20 15:00:00 | 2022-11-09 15:00:00 |
NIT 64 |
24 | Annual maintenance, Renovation of Civil & PH items & pest control services contract of DAE Dhruva Guest House at Kidwainagar, New Delhi. | 18.47 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/67 /22-23/ dt. 20.10.2022. | 2022-10-20 15:00:00 | 2022-11-09 15:00:00 |
NIT 67 |
25 | Construction of water tank staging structure for AECS-3 and 6 at Western side of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 39.96 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/68/22-23/ dt. 20.10.2022. | 2022-10-20 15:00:00 | 2022-11-09 15:00:00 |
NIT 68 |
26 | Providing housekeeping services for Shakuntalam, Anushatinagar, Mumbai400094. | 23.61 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/74/22-23/ dt. 20.10.2022. | 2022-10-20 15:00:00 | 2022-11-09 15:00:00 |
NIT 74 |
27 | Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Integrated Smart Rack Modular infrastructure system at DCSEM, V.S. Bhavan, Anushaktinagar Mumbai -94. | 231.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/VSB-ISRM/NIT-21/22-23, Dt.19.10.2022 | 2022-10-20 11:00:00 | 2022-11-14 17:00:00 |
NIT 21 |
28 | Setting up of hybrid granular SBR (BARC technology) based Sewage Treatment Plant of 150 KLD capacity at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 149.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/SBR-STP/NIT/77/22-23 dated 17.10.2022 | 2022-10-27 17:54:00 | 2022-10-31 17:00:00 |
NIT 77 |
29 | Providing, fabricating and fixing signboards for stray animals at different locations in Anushaktinaga | 3.85 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/69 /22-23/ dt. 03.10.2022 | 2022-10-04 15:00:00 | 2022-10-12 14:00:00 |
NIT 69 |
30 | Annual Repair/replacement including Breakdown maintenance of Borewell pumping system and electrical panels including drilling of borewell at Anushaktinagar Mumbai. | 20 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Borewell/NIT/28/22-23 dated 27.09.2022. | 2022-09-28 11:30:00 | 2022-11-01 17:00:00 |
NIT 28 |
31 | Carrying out Works for obtaining various clearances from statutory Authorities for projects at Anushaktinagar,Mumbai400094. | 50.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/Statutory Clearances/NIT/20 dtd. 26.09.2022. | 2022-09-30 11:00:00 | 2022-10-28 17:00:00 |
NIT 20 |
32 | External repairs and painting of EVEREST (Stilt + 16 Floor) building and other locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 141.25 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/65 /22-23/ dt. 21.09.2022 | 2022-09-21 15:30:00 | 2022-10-11 15:00:00 |
NIT 65 |
33 | Providing and fixing sprech entrance structures near Canadian bunglow at OYC/ Anushakti Bhavan premises under OYC maintenance unit, Mumbai. | 13.45 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/61/22-23/ dt.21.09.2022 | 2022-09-21 03:00:00 | 2022-10-11 15:00:00 |
NIT 61 |
34 | Construction of Civil works for Urban forest, chain link fencing, footpath, drains & parking etc. at 312 VE flats site at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094. | 350.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/Urban forest/312VE flats/22-23/NIT/19 Dated.21.09.2022. | 2022-09-22 11:00:00 | 2022-10-28 17:00:00 |
NIT 19 |
35 | Renovation of internal electrical installations of remaining flats of Ragmala buildings & other Type IV-D flats in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 49.70 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/T-07/22-23/NIT- 25 dt.05.09.2022. | 2022-09-15 11:00:00 | 2022-10-03 15:00:00 |
NIT 25 |
36 | Providing, installing, commissioning and operating plasma based Waste Treatment System “ASHER” or Equivalent at Rajnigandha Waste processing centre, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 345.00 | DCSEM / CQD/QSC/WTS-NM/NIT/18/22-23 dated 12.09.2022. | 2022-09-12 13:00:00 | 2022-09-28 17:00:00 |
NIT 18 |
37 | Annual Contract for Testing of Treated and Drinking water sample at STP Lab, Western Sector, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 23.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/TDW-AMC/NIT/26/22-23 dated 05.09.2022. | 2022-09-06 11:30:00 | 2022-09-26 17:00:00 |
NIT 26 |
38 | Annual maintenance work of firefighting system installed at Anushaktinagar and City area, Mumbai. | 88.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/ANOYC-FF-AMC/NIT / 27 / 22-23 dated 05.09.2022. | 2022-09-06 11:30:00 | 2022-09-26 17:00:00 |
NIT 27 |
39 | Replacement of water supply and waste water pipe lines for type III-C and IV-D buildings of TMC Mandala colony under Old Mandala Maintenance unit, Mumbai. | 35.94 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/63 /22-23/ dt. 02.09.2022 | 2022-09-02 15:30:00 | 2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 63 |
40 | Providing chemical based waterproofing treatment over the terrace of various buildings and structural repair works of Overhead water tanks under TTM-II unit and at other location of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 84.78 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/62 /22-23/ dt. 02.09.2022 | 2022-09-02 15:30:00 | 2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 62 |
41 | Providing and fixing structural steel drain covers along with other civil works at various locations under TTM-II unit and other location at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 286.51 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/59/22-23/ dt. 02.09.2022 | 2022-09-02 15:30:00 | 2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 59 |
42 | Operation and comprehensive maintenance of 4 nos shredding machines at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 67.18 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/56/22-23/ dt. 02.09.2022 | 2022-09-02 15:30:00 | 2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 56 |
43 | Providing & Planting of flowering seasonal & perennials plants at various locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 4.75 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/55/22-23/ dt. 02.09.2022 | 2022-09-02 15:30:00 | 2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 55 |
44 | Development of Garden at Almoda Park phase-III, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai. | 26.80 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/54/22-23/ dt. 02.09.2022 | 2022-09-02 03:00:00 | 2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 54 |
45 | Maintenance of Madhuban urban forest at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 8.39 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/53/22-23/ dt. 02.09.2022 | 2022-09-02 03:00:00 | 2022-09-20 15:00:00 |
NIT 53 |
46 | Water pump operations and Maintenance of automated / manual system of DAE Quarters at Zerlina, Purnima, Kenilworth, Atomica, Mistry Nagar bldg. No. 2 and 3, Bandra B and C, Anand Bhavan under LGR Maintenance Unit and Maintenance of Anushakti Bhavan under OYC Maintenance Unit, Mumbai. | 43.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/City-Pump-AMC/NIT/23/22-23 dated 26.08.2022. | 2022-08-30 11:30:00 | 2022-09-19 17:00:00 |
NIT 23 |
47 | Operation and Maintenance of Filtration Plant of Swimming Pools at PTAAF Complex, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 37.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Swim-FOM/NIT/24/22-23 dated 26.08.2022. | 2022-08-30 11:30:00 | 2022-09-19 17:00:00 |
NIT 24 |
48 | Biennial comprehensive maintenance contract for CCTV system and additional requirement of cameras and its associated accessories at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 127.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/CCTV-AN-AMC/NIT/22/22-23 dated 26.08.2022. | 2022-08-30 11:30:00 | 2022-09-19 17:00:00 |
NIT 22 |
49 | Construction of Residential Building of Type III-C (12 Flats), Type IV-D (24 Flats) & Type V-E (8 Flats), Play Park, Road & Site Development works including Civil, PHE works, Electrical & Fire Fighting works at SMF Township, Kudapura, Chitradurga District, Karnataka. | 3700.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/SMF-KUD/22-23/NIT/ 17 dt.29.08.2022. | 2022-09-01 11:00:00 | 2022-10-07 17:00:00 |
NIT 17 |
50 | Annual Cleaning, Maintenance and Operation of Swimming Pool and Other Activities of PTAA complex at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 55.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Swim-CMO/NIT/20/22-23 dated 24.08.2022. | 2022-08-25 13:00:00 | 2022-09-19 17:00:00 |
NIT 20 |
51 | Construction of Roads, Footpaths, Water Bodies, Ponds, Landscape Plaza, Percolation Pits, Sedimentation Tanks, Bioswale & Storm water Drain at Campus & Township site of GCNEP, Bahadurgarh, Haryana. | 6390.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/GCNEP/DEVLP/22-23/NIT/ 14 dt.26.07.2022. | 2022-07-29 11:00:00 | 2022-09-01 17:00:00 |
NIT 14 |
52 | Annual maintenance and operation of automated / manual pumping system and maintenance servicing of monoblock water pump motor sets installed at DAE Quarters at Chembur, Ghatkopar and TMC Quarters at Mulund and submersible water pumps at DAE colony at Chembur, Ghatkopar and Dispensary at Kharghar under Chembur and Mulund maintenance unit, Mumbai. | 22.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Pumping-AMC/NIT/18/22-23 dated 27.07.2022. | 2022-07-28 11:30:00 | 2022-08-02 17:00:00 |
NIT 18 |
53 | Renovation of Servents’s Room at Zerlina DAE flats under LGR maintenance unit, Mumbai. | 39.68 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/47 /22-23/ dt. 27.07.2022 | 2022-07-27 15:30:00 | 2022-08-11 15:00:00 |
NIT 47 |
54 | Repairing the pot holes and resurfacing the roads along with other miscellaneous work on Western side of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 282.98 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/46 /22-23/ dt. 27.07.2022 | 2022-07-27 15:30:00 | 2022-08-11 15:00:00 |
NIT 46 |
55 | Repairing the pot holes and resurfacing the roads along with other miscellaneous work on Eastern side of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 237.87 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/45 /22-23/ dt. 27.07.2022 | 2022-07-27 15:30:00 | 2022-08-11 15:00:00 |
NIT 45 |
56 | Repairing/ Replacement of existing damaged fencing at Zerlina, Purnima, Mistry Nagar and Bandra under LGR Maintenance unit. | 23.43 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/43 /22-23/ dt. 27.07.2022 | 2022-07-27 15:30:00 | 2022-08-11 15:00:00 |
NIT 43 |
57 | Cosmetic Maintenance for DAE quarters at Ghatkopar under Chembur maintenance Unit, Mumbai. | 4.13 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/42 /22-23/ dt. 27.07.2022 | 2022-07-27 15:30:00 | 2022-08-11 15:00:00 |
NIT 42 |
58 | Biennial maintenance contract for Audio, Video & Control system works at DCSEM Director's Conference room, V.S Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094. | 8.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/DCR-AV/BMC/NIT-17/22-23, Dt. 22.07.2022. | 2022-07-25 11:00:00 | 2022-08-16 17:00:00 |
NIT 17 |
59 | Internal Renovation, External repairs, Painting and Development including PH works of Atomic Energy School No-2 buildings (Package-II) at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 633.99 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/27 /22-23/ dt. 22.07.2022 | 2022-07-22 15:30:00 | 2022-08-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 27 |
60 | Ultra High density plantation urban forest and development of garden at Anuhskatinagar, Mumbai. | 90.22 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/44 /22-23/ dt.21.07.2022 | 2022-07-21 15:00:00 | 2022-08-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 44 |
61 | Replacement of existing old rusted G.I water supply line and damaged C.I waste line with Upvc and SWR pipes in PH service shaftsand miscellaneous repair works and other miscellaneous works in Nalanda B,D Patilputra B,D,E Takshashila B,C,D & E buildings and other buildings at TTM-II unit Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 211.76 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/41 /22-23/ dt. 21.07.2022 | 2022-07-21 15:00:00 | 2022-08-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 41 |
62 | Internal Renovation, External repairs, Painting and Development including PH works of Atomic Energy School No-5 buildings (Package-V) at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 470.95 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/40 /22-23/ dt. 21.07.2022 | 2022-07-21 15:00:00 | 2022-08-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 40 |
63 | Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of Vertical Turbine Pumps along with associated works at firefighting pump houses near Surabhi, Malayagiri and Kedarnath buildings and submersible pumps at Mandala in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 455.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/UGT-Pump/NIT/13/22-23 dated 13.07.2022. | 2022-07-15 14:00:00 | 2022-07-22 17:00:00 |
NIT 13 |
64 | Comprehensive biennial maintenance contract for Personal computers, peripherals, laptops, servers, existing LAN, renewal and supply & installation of Office Scan, Antivirus etc. at DCSEM offices in Mumbai. | 65.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/AMC-LAN-PC/NIT-16/22-23 dtd.14.07.2022. | 2022-07-15 11:00:00 | 2022-08-03 17:00:00 |
NIT 16 |
65 | Construction of additional two wings to existing HBNI building including Civil, PHE works, Electrical, HVAC, Fire fighting works at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 1743.00 | DCSEM/ CQD/ QSA/ ATW/ EXIS HBNI/ 22- 23/NIT/ 12 dt. 04.07.2022. | 2022-07-08 11:00:00 | 2022-08-01 17:00:00 |
NIT 12 |
66 | Upgradation External repairs painting and development works of sector market buildings at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 162.94 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/35/22-23/ dt. 04.07.2022 | 2022-07-04 15:30:00 | 2022-07-26 15:00:00 |
NIT 35 |
67 | Construction of water tank staging structure for AECS-2,4 & 5 at Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai | 54.10 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/NIT/34/22-23/ dt.04.07.2022 | 2022-07-04 15:30:00 | 2022-07-26 15:00:00 |
NIT 34 |
68 | Repairs to flooring, doors, windows, and other miscellaneous works of Labour Tenement at Lumbininagar under manadala maintenance unit, Mumbai.Phase-I | 70.67 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/33/22-23/ dt.04.07.2022 | 2022-07-04 15:30:00 | 2022-07-26 15:00:00 |
NIT 33 |
69 | Crack filling and replacing of gable end walls of varies building under TTM-IV & Old Mandala Unit, Mumbai. | 14.56 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/32/22-23/ dt. 04.07.2022 | 2022-07-04 15:30:00 | 2022-07-25 15:00:00 |
NIT 32 |
70 | External repairs and painting of Warna A,B,C buildings and other locations in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 74.34 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/20/22-23/ dt.04.07.2022 | 2022-07-04 15:30:00 | 2022-07-26 15:00:00 |
NIT 20 |
71 | External repairs and painting of Margashirsya, Magha, Kartik, Chaitra, Vaisakha buildings and other locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 84.87 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/19/22-23/ dt.04.07.2022 | 2022-07-04 15:30:00 | 2022-07-26 15:00:00 |
NIT 19 |
72 | Miscellaneous repairs of flooring at various flats at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 4.75 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/29/22-23/ dt. 27.06.2022 | 2022-06-27 15:30:00 | 2022-07-12 15:00:00 |
NIT 29 |
73 | Cleaning of utensils and other services in Dept. canteen, VSB, Anushaktinagar. | 39.90 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/28/22-23/ dt.27.06.2022 | 2022-06-27 15:30:00 | 2022-07-12 15:00:00 |
NIT 28 |
74 | Internal structural repairing with allied civil works at various flats under TTM-IV & old Mandala unit, Mumbai. | 24.93 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/23/22-23/ dt. 27.06.2022 | 2022-06-27 15:30:00 | 2022-07-12 15:00:00 |
NIT 23 |
75 | Construction of additional 2 levels of parking over existing (Ground +1) level Multi Level Car Parking (MLCP) for V.S. Bhavan at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai400094. | 1233.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/VSB/Multi-Lvl./22-23/NIT/ 10 dt.29.06.2022. | 2022-06-30 11:00:00 | 2022-07-20 17:00:00 |
NIT 10 |
76 | Carrying out Hill Protection works near TypeVE quarters of 312 flats at Mandala, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 612.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/Hill-Protection/312VE/22- 23/NIT/11 dtd.29.06.2022. | 2022-06-30 11:00:00 | 2022-07-25 17:00:00 |
NIT 11 |
77 | Renovation / Upgradation & biennial maintenance of telephone cable network under DCSEM, at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai – 400094. | 50.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/AMC-Tele/NIT-15/22-23 dtd.23.06.2022. | 2022-06-24 11:00:00 | 2022-07-18 17:00:00 |
NIT 15 |
78 | Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of submersible type pumps and associated works at Pond, Sangam Jal Vayu Vihar in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 18.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Pond-Pump/NIT/14/22-23 dated 23.06.2022. | 2022-06-24 11:30:00 | 2022-07-11 17:00:00 |
NIT 14 |
79 | Works for obtaining various clearance from statutory Authorities for projects at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094. | 194.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/Statutory Clearances/NIT/9 dtd. 20.06.2022. | 2022-06-22 11:00:00 | 2022-07-18 17:00:00 |
NIT 9 |
80 | Maintenance of Garden areas at PTAA complex, V.S.Bhawan, cultural centre and newly constructed play parks at Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai | 49.20 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/07 dt. 30.05.2022 | 2022-06-13 15:30:00 | 2022-06-28 15:00:00 |
NIT 07 |
81 | Development of Garden at Anand Bhawan, Mumbai | 18.70 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/24 dt. 30.05 .2022 | 2022-06-13 15:30:00 | 2022-06-28 15:00:00 |
NIT 24 |
82 | Development of vertical green wall garden at Vikram Sarabhai Bhawan and PTAA compound wall, Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai | 31.96 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/12 dt. 30.05 .2022 | 2022-06-13 15:30:00 | 2022-06-28 15:00:00 |
NIT 12 |
83 | Cutting of grass in the areas around various buildings at Eastern side of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 20.34 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/08 dt. 30.05.2022 | 2022-06-13 15:30:00 | 2022-06-28 15:00:00 |
NIT 08 |
84 | Up-gradation of Service line of Shafts and terrace loop line in Shriniketan, Malaygiri and Kedarnath buildings (Packages IV) at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 306.61 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/NIT/22/22-23/ dt.13.05.2022 | 2022-06-13 15:30:00 | 2022-06-28 15:00:00 |
NIT 22 |
85 | Up-gradation of Service lines of Shafts and terrace loop line in Shantinikrthan, Udaygiri, Kanchanjunga & Gulmarg buildings (Package III) at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 351.69 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/ NIT/21/22-23/ dt.13.05.2022 | 2022-06-13 15:30:00 | 2022-06-28 15:00:00 |
NIT 21 |
86 | Periodical cleaning of water tanks at DAEQuarters under Chembur and Mulundmaintenance unit, Mumbai | 3.57 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/13 dt. 27.05.2022 | 2022-05-27 15:30:00 | 2022-06-07 15:00:00 |
NIT 13 |
87 | Annual comprehensive maintenance of fire alarm systems at various residential and office buildings under DCS&EM in Mumbai. | 44.00 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/T-04/22-23/NIT-13 dt.18.05.2022. | 2022-05-19 11:00:00 | 2022-06-06 15:00:00 |
NIT 13 |
88 | Upgradation of electrical installations in AECS-1, 2, 3, 6 and AEJC at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 175.00 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/T-03/22-23/NIT-12 dt.14.05.2022. | 2022-05-18 11:00:00 | 2022-06-13 15:00:00 |
NIT 12 |
89 | Premonsoon protection works viz. cleaning of strom water drains, roof terraces under Chambur, Mulund and CHSS dispensaries at Vashi & Kharghar under Chembur Maintenance Unit. | 2.83 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/18 dt.17.05.2022 | 2022-05-17 15:30:00 | 2022-06-06 15:00:00 |
NIT 18 |
90 | External repair and painting of Mandovi building and other locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 30.59 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/15 dt. 17.05.2022 | 2022-05-17 15:30:00 | 2022-06-06 15:00:00 |
NIT 15 |
91 | Minor repair work for play equipments & security baricades at Anushaktinagar & Old Mandala under TTM-IV maintenance unit, Mumbai. | 5.23 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/06 dt. 17.05.2022 | 2022-05-17 15:30:00 | 2022-06-06 15:00:00 |
NIT 06 |
92 | Providing garden play equipments and Re-furbishing existing damaged Garden play equipments at different locations of TTM-II unit and other | 17.42 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/05 dt. 17.05.2022 | 2022-05-17 15:30:00 | 2022-06-06 15:00:00 |
NIT 05 |
93 | Providing Pest control service & fogging operations around residential & nonresidential buildings under Chembur Maintenance Unit, Mumbai. | 6.20 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/03 dt. 17.05.2022 | 2022-05-17 15:30:00 | 2022-06-06 15:00:00 |
NIT 03 |
94 | External repairs, painting of gable end walls, cupboard walls and emergency repairs and grouting and crack filling work of various buildings under TTM-I & II and other locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 90.78 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/10 dt.13.05.2022 | 2022-05-13 15:30:00 | 2022-06-02 15:00:00 |
NIT 10 |
95 | Providing and fixing structural steel drain covers along with other civil works at various locations under TTM-IV unit, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 124.75 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/09 dt.13.05.2022 | 2022-05-13 15:30:00 | 2022-06-02 15:00:00 |
NIT 09 |
96 | Miscellaneous maintenance and repairs of residential and non- residential buildings under LGR maintenance units at Mumbai- Civil & PH works | 70.65 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/04 dt.13.05.2022 | 2022-05-13 15:30:00 | 2022-06-02 15:00:00 |
NIT 04 |
97 | Miscellaneous Civil and PH works including SS balcony railing under LGR Maintenance Unit, Mumbai. | 78.74 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/02 dt.13.052022 | 2022-05-13 15:30:00 | 2022-06-02 15:00:00 |
NIT 02 |
98 | Construction of New Creche facility building near Badrinath Building including Civil, PH, Electrical and Fire Fighting works in Western part of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 1379.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/ New Creche Facility /22- 23/NIT/07 dtd.09.05.2022. | 2022-05-11 11:00:00 | 2022-06-06 17:00:00 |
NIT 07 |
99 | Providing unarmed Security Services Round The Clock at LIGO India Project Site, Aundha, Hingoli, Maharashtra. | 37.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA / LIGO/Security Service /22-23/NIT/06 dtd.06.05.2022. | 2022-05-10 11:00:00 | 2022-05-30 17:00:00 |
NIT 06 |
100 | Providing ACs & Electrical installation at ATI office in V.S. Bhavan and replacement of ACs at Niyamak Bhavan (AERB) & various offices under DCSEM, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai 400 094. | 41.80 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GSS/AC-Elect/NIT-10/22-23, Dt. 05.05.2022. | 2022-05-06 11:00:00 | 2022-06-01 17:00:00 |
NIT 10 |
101 | Annual maintenance contract for electrical installations at V.S.Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 26.50 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/T-02/22-23/NIT-11 dt.05.05.2022 | 2022-05-06 11:00:00 | 2022-05-23 15:00:00 |
NIT 11 |
102 | Maintenance of internal electrical works at various residential buildings situated at Western side (TTM-I, II &WS) of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 88.00 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/ESD/T-01/22-23/NIT-09 dt.29.04.2022 | 2022-05-05 11:00:00 | 2022-05-23 15:00:00 |
NIT 09 |
103 | Miscellaneous modification and renovation works at ‘O’ floor south wing of V.S.Bhavan at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 72.53 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/22-23/NIT/11 dt.29.04.2022 | 2022-04-29 15:30:00 | 2022-05-24 15:00:00 |
NIT 11 |
104 | Construction of 4 Nos. firefighting underground tanks & pump houses near existing Surabhi, Malaygiri, Kedarnath pump houses and receiving tank near TIFR colony Mandala including Civil, PH and Electrical works at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 724.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/FF Tanks/22-23/NIT/03 dtd.27.04.2022. | 2022-04-28 11:00:00 | 2022-05-23 17:00:00 |
NIT 03 |
105 | Diversion of Existing Nallah behind Kamet Market at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-94. | 496.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/ Kamet Nallah diversion /22- 23/NIT/04 dtd.27.04.2022. | 2022-04-28 11:00:00 | 2022-05-23 17:00:00 |
NIT 04 |
106 | Automation of pump houses and remote operation of firefighting pumps along with associated works at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai – 400094. | 263.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/FF-Auto/NIT-08/22-23, Dt.19.04.2022. | 2022-04-21 11:00:00 | 2022-05-18 17:00:00 |
NIT 08 |
107 | Annual Maintenance contract for cleaning of water storage tanks at various locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 17.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Cleaning-Tank/NIT/01/22-23 dated 19.04.2022. | 2022-04-20 13:00:00 | 2022-05-10 17:00:00 |
NIT 01 |
108 | Annual maintenance contract for regular cleaning and maintenance of water of pond at Sangam Jal Vayu Vihar, near Junior College at Anushakti Nagar, Mumbai. | 13.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Pond-AMC/NIT/02/22-23 dated 19.04.2022. | 2022-04-20 13:00:00 | 2022-05-10 17:00:00 |
NIT 02 |
109 | Replacement of VRF AC system by split type air conditioners and upgradation of electrical system at Kharghar Dispensary, Navi Mumbai. | 44.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/VRF-Kharghar/NIT/03/22-23 dated 19.04.2022. | 2022-04-20 13:00:00 | 2022-05-10 17:00:00 |
NIT 03 |
110 | Construction of 50 KPD compact Biogas plant behind Tapti building at Anushaktinagar Mumbai. | 22.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Biogas-50KPD/NIT/04/22-23 dated 19.04.2022. | 2022-04-20 13:00:00 | 2022-05-10 17:00:00 |
NIT 04 |
111 | Replacement/Modification in existing water supply system lines at various locations in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 217.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Replace-WSpipe/NIT/05/ 22-23 dated 19.04.2022. | 2022-04-20 13:00:00 | 2022-05-10 17:00:00 |
NIT 05 |
112 | Replacement of the firefighting pumps at Main Pump House, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 29.90 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Replace-FF-Pump/NIT/06/ 22-23 dated 19.04.2022. | 2022-04-20 13:00:00 | 2022-05-10 17:00:00 |
NIT 06 |
113 | Replacement of riser pipelines of various buildings at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 239.80 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Replace-Riser/NIT/07/22-23 dated 19.04.2022. | 2022-04-20 13:00:00 | 2022-05-10 17:00:00 |
NIT 07 |
114 | Carrying out works for Estimation, Tendering & other Misc. jobs etc. in CQD, Architecture, Accounts & Administration for DCSEM. | 64.32 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/MP/22-23/NIT/01 dtd.12.04.2022. | 2022-04-13 11:00:00 | 2022-05-02 17:00:00 |
NIT 1 |
115 | Renovation of internal electrical installations in residential flats of Akashganga, Akashratna & Akashdeep buildings in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400094 . | 290.00 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/21-22/NIT-26 dt.28.03.2022. | 2022-03-29 12:30:00 | 2022-04-25 15:00:00 |
NIT 26 |
116 | Tender Notice of shops in Anushaktinagar, New Mandala, and Old Mandala. | 0.00 | DCSEM/Enft/01/2022 dt 14/03/2022 | 2022-03-14 11:00:00 | 2022-04-20 12:00:00 |
Enforcement-84 |
117 | Augmentation of Local Area Network, servers and data backup software system at DCSEM Anushaktinagar Mumbai. | 136.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/LAN-Server/NIT-13/21-22 dtd.03.03.2022 | 2022-03-07 11:00:00 | 2022-04-04 17:00:00 |
NIT 13 |
118 | Renovation of electrical installations at AECS-4, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 77.00 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/21-22/NIT-24 dt.24.02.2022. | 2022-02-28 11:00:00 | 2022-03-21 15:00:00 |
NIT 24 |
119 | Annual Maintenance contract for cleaning of water storage tanks at various locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 17.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Cleaning-Tank/NIT/30/21-22 dated 23.02.2022. | 2022-02-25 11:30:00 | 2022-03-14 17:00:00 |
NIT 30 |
120 | Providing pumping pipe line networks for Garden Water supply at East side of CA road at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 228.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/GWS-ES/NIT/31/21-22 dated 23.02.2022. | 2022-02-25 11:30:00 | 2022-03-14 17:00:00 |
NIT 31 |
121 | Miscellaneous repairs and replacement works in DPS occupied floors in VS Bhavan at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 36.93 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/137 dt04.02.2021 | 2022-02-04 15:00:00 | 2022-02-21 15:00:00 |
NIT 137 |
122 | Maintenance of ground areas at BARC Hospital, Training School Hostel, Niyamak Bhavan and CT & CR building at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 29.28 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/121 dt04.02.2021 | 2022-02-04 15:00:00 | 2022-02-21 15:00:00 |
NIT 121 |
123 | Maintenance of transplanted and new planted trees at various locations of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 23.79 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/119 dt.04.02.2021 | 2022-02-04 15:00:00 | 2022-02-21 15:00:00 |
NIT 119 |
124 | Development of garden and plantation of trees and shrubs at extension of AERB & other locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 23.29 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/117 dt. 04.02.2021 | 2022-02-04 15:00:00 | 2022-02-21 15:00:00 |
NIT 117 |
125 | Preventive measure to arrest failing of trees by pruning of dangerous & overhanging branches of trees etc at various locations of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 75.80 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/116 dt.04.02.2021 | 2022-02-04 15:00:00 | 2022-02-21 15:00:00 |
NIT 116 |
126 | Internal and external repairs, painting of residential flats under TTM-I and Western Sector Maintenance unit at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 35.51 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/114 dt.04.02.2021 | 2022-02-04 15:00:00 | 2022-02-21 15:00:00 |
NIT 114 |
127 | Replacement of riser pipelines of Type IV D Special long blocks and associated works in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 76.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Riser-Pipe/NIT/29/21-22 dated 01.02.2022. | 2022-02-02 11:00:00 | 2022-02-22 17:00:00 |
NIT 29 |
128 | Renovation of internal electrical installations in residential flats of Malayagiri & Udayagiri buildings in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 192 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/21-22/NIT-22 dt.10.01.2022. | 2022-01-14 11:00:00 | 2022-01-31 15:00:00 |
NIT 22 |
129 | Comprehensive maintenance contract for air conditioners and water coolers machines, installed at V.S. Bhavan, Niyamak Bhavan A and B, dispensaries and various site offices in Anushaktinagar and city area under DCSEM in Mumbai. | 65.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/AERB-VSB-AC-AMC/NIT/28/ 21-22 dated 13.01.2022. | 2022-01-14 11:30:00 | 2022-01-25 17:00:00 |
NIT 28 |
130 | Annual maintenance contract for operation and maintenance of Biogas plant behind Tapti building at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 47.40 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Biogas-AMC/NIT/25/21-22 dated 13.01.2022. | 2022-01-14 11:30:00 | 2021-12-25 17:00:00 |
NIT 25 |
131 | Providing pipeline networks for Garden Water supply under pumping TTM I and II units and associated works at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 126.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/Pipe-Garden/NIT/26/21-22 dated 13.01.2022. | 2022-01-14 11:30:00 | 2022-01-25 17:00:00 |
NIT 26 |
132 | Annual contract for Operation and Comprehensive maintenance of MBBR based Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of 1.5 MLD (0.75 MLD X 2 Nos.) and associated works at western Sector, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 38.50 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/STP-WS-AMC/NIT/27/21-22 dated 13.01.2022. | 2022-01-14 11:30:00 | 2022-01-25 17:00:00 |
NIT 27 |
133 | Construction of barbed wire fencing around the land of the department at Jamwadi, Dist. Hingoli and at Nanded, Maharashtra for LIGO India Project. | 68.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSA/ LIGO India/ Fencing /21- 22/NIT/ 17 dtd. 12.01.2022 | 2022-01-13 11:00:00 | 2022-02-07 17:00:00 |
NIT 17 |
Sl.No | Name Of Work | Estimated Cost (Rs. in Lakhs) | NIT No. | Sale Period From | Sale Period To | Detailed NIT |
1 | Maintenance contract for the cleaning of rectangular inspection chambers and circular manhole chambers of sewerage system at Anushaktinagar, New Mandala Colony and Western Sector area, Mumbai400094 | 10.11 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/115 dt. 31.12.2021 | 2021-12-31 15:30:00 | 2022-01-18 15:00:00 |
NIT 115 |
2 | Annual cleaning of storm water drain, RR masonry/ stone pitched storm water drains & hume pipes at Eastern side of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 15.29 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/112 dt. 31.12.2021 | 2021-12-31 15:30:00 | 2022-01-18 15:00:00 |
NIT 112 |
3 | Annual cleaning of storm water drain, RR masonry/ stone pitched storm water drains & hume pipes at Eastern side of Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 18.23 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/111 dt. 31.12.2021 | 2021-12-31 15:30:00 | 2022-01-18 15:00:00 |
NIT 111 |
4 | Modification work for vegetable centre at Hemant Square, New Mandala under TTMIV maintenance unit, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 15.05 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/106 dt. 31.12.2021 | 2021-12-31 15:30:00 | 2022-01-18 15:00:00 |
NIT 106 |
5 | Premonsoon protection works and miscellaneous works at Zerlina, Purnima, Kenilworth, Anand Bhavan, Atomica, Mistrynagar & Bandra under LGR Maintenance Unit, Mumbai-2022-2023 | 3.80 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/105 dt31.12.2021 | 2021-12-31 15:30:00 | 2022-01-18 15:00:00 |
NIT 105 |
6 | Replacement of letter boxes of tower buildings of Anushaktinagar , Mumbai. | 23.75 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/89 dt. 31.12.2021 | 2021-12-31 15:30:00 | 2022-01-18 15:00:00 |
NIT 89 |
7 | Replacement of wooden balcony glazing doors in to aluminium sliding door at Zerlina & Purnima under LGR maintenance unit, Mumbai. | 79.68 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/113 dt.31.12.2021 | 2021-12-30 15:30:00 | 2022-01-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 113 |
8 | Replacement of damaged service shaft door shutters with 18 mm thick PVC integral free foam sheet and providing GI weld mesh cover on RCC jail in drying areas of Type IA, IIB & IIIC buildings under TTM-I unit at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 62.01 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/109 dt. 30.12.2021 | 2021-12-30 15:30:00 | 2022-01-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 109 |
9 | Providing ceramic tile inside the inbuilt cupboards and replacement of damaged cupboard door shutters with PVC integral free foam sheet for the various flats under TTM-II & other locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 60.14 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/108 dt.30.12.2021 | 2021-12-30 15:30:00 | 2022-01-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 108 |
10 | External repairs and painting of G,H,J,K buildings and other locations at Old Mandala, Mumbai | 58.75 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/104 dt.30.12.2021 | 2021-12-30 15:30:00 | 2022-01-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 104 |
11 | External repairs and painting of Dwarka building and other locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 37.62 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/103 dt.30.12.2021 | 2021-12-30 15:30:00 | 2022-01-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 103 |
12 | External repairs and painting of EVEREST (Stilt + 16 Floor) building and other locations at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 126.64 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/102 dt. .2021 | 2021-12-30 15:30:00 | 2022-01-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 102 |
13 | Up-gradation, External repairs, Painting and Development works of Sector Market building at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai | 162.94 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/100 dt.30.12.2021 | 2021-12-30 15:30:00 | 2022-01-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 100 |
14 | Miscellaneous repair, maintenance and cosmetic maintenance of V.S Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-94. | 53.81 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/87 dt.30.12.2021 | 2021-12-30 15:30:00 | 2022-01-17 15:00:00 |
NIT 87 |
15 | Providing, installing, commissioning and operating Plasma based Waste Treatment System “ASHER” or Equivalent at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 314.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/WTS/NIT/23/21-22 dated 27.12.2021. | 2021-12-28 11:30:00 | 2022-01-10 15:00:00 |
NIT 23 |
16 | Annual maintenance contract for electrical installations & domestic water supply pumps, fire fighting system & fire alarm system at DAE guest house, New Delhi | 14.00 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/21-22/NIT-20 dt.17.12.2021 | 2021-12-22 11:00:00 | 2021-12-30 17:00:00 |
NIT 20 |
17 | Replacement of old MS street light poles & associated works at Anushaktinagar & Old Mandala colonies, Mumbai. | 108.00 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/21-22/NIT-18 dt.09.12.2021. | 2021-12-15 11:00:00 | 2021-12-29 15:00:00 |
NIT 18 |
18 | Annual contract for day to day maintenance of electrical distribution systems at Anushaktinagar, Old Mandala, TMC, TIFR & Payalipada colonies, Mumbai | 64.50 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/21-22/NIT-19 dt.16.12.2021 | 2021-12-21 11:00:00 | 2021-12-30 17:00:00 |
NIT 19 |
19 | Annual contract for Operation and Comprehensive maintenance of 0.5 MLD MBBR based Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) near Brindavan Building and 103.5KLD (3Nos X 34.5 KLD) RBC technology base Sewage Treatment plant (STP) near Akashganga Building in Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 43.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/STP-Br-Ak-AMC/NIT/22/21-22 dated 13.12.2021. | 2021-12-14 11:30:00 | 2021-12-27 17:00:00 |
NIT 22 |
20 | Annual operation Maintenance contract for domestic pump sets and valves at various water pump houses at Anushaktinagar, Mumbai. | 50.00 | DCSEM/CQD/QSC/WS-AMC/NIT/21/21-22 dated 09.12.2021. | 2021-12-10 11:30:00 | 2021-12-27 17:00:00 |
NIT 21 |
21 | Renovation/Upgradation of internal & external electrical installations of Anushakti Bhavan, Colaba, Mumbai. | 130 | DCSE/CQD/QSC/GSS/21-22/NIT-17 dt.02.12.2021. | 2021-12-09 11:00:00 | 2021-12-23 15:00:00 |
NIT 17 |
22 | Providing Hospitality, Catering services and Housekeeping services at Zerlina and Anand Bhavan guest Houses, Mumbai. | 44.36 | DCSEM/CQD/QSB/21-22/NIT/107 dt.03.12.2021 | 2021-12-03 15:30:00 | 2021-12-13 15:00:00 |
NIT 107 |
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Copyright © 2022 All rights reserved, Directorate of Construction Services and Estate Management.